Answer Scales
alternate options
you could
say "other options".
that can be used, depending on the nature of the question being asked.
say "other options".
Familiarity / Knowledge
4pt Scale- I never heard this nametermbefore today
- I have only heard the nameterm
- I knowunderstanda little about this
- I knowunderstandthis very well
4pt Scale
- Haven't followed it at all
- Haven't followed it too closely
- Have followed it somewhat closely
- Have followed it very closely
5pt Scale
- No knowledge
- Minimal knowledge
- Basic knowledge
- Adequate knowledge
- Expert knowledge
3pt Scale- Never
- Occasionally
- Frequently
4pt Scale
- Never
- Occasionally
- Frequently
- All the time
5pt Scale
- Never
- Rarely
- Sometimes
- Often
- Always
Within Time Period
4pt Scale- Not at all
- Several days
- More than half the days
- Nearly every day
5pt Scale
- None of the time
- Less than half the time
- Half the time
- Most of the time
- All the time
3pt Scale- Do not enjoy at all
- Enjoy a little
- Enjoy a lot
4pt Scale
- Not interesting to me at all
- I could take it or leave it
- One of my favorite things to do
- My favorite thing to do
4pt Scale- Very difficult
- Difficult
- Easy
- Very easy
4pt Scale
- Extremely difficult
- Moderately difficult
- Moderately easy
- Extremely easy
3pt Scale- No, not at all
- Maybe a little
- Yes, a lot
3pt Scale
- Not neededUndesirable
- Nice to have
- Must have
3pt Scale
- Not important
- Important
- Critical
3pt Scale
- Not important
- A littleSomewhatimportant
- Very important
6pt Scale
- Not at all important
- Not very important
- A littleSomewhatimportant
- Very important
- ExtremelyCriticallyimportant
- No opinion
6pt Scale- Extremely dissatisfied
- Very dissatisfied
- Somewhat dissatisfied
- Somewhat satisfied
- Very satisfied
- Extremely satisfied
3pt Scale- Could be better
- Meets my expectations
- Exceeds my Expectations
4pt Scale
- Does not meet my expectations
- Meets my expectations
- Exceeds my expectations
- This is not important to me
5pt Scale
- Far below my expectations
- Slightly below my expectations
- Meets my expectations
- Slightly above my expectations
- Greatly exceeds my expectations
3pt Scale- Unacceptable
- Acceptable
- Highly desired
3pt Scale
- Not acceptable
- Not preferred, but acceptable
- Completely acceptable
4pt Scale
- Does not meet enough of my needs
- Meets most of my needs
- Meets all of my needs
- Exceeds my needs
5pt Scale- Very unfavorable
- Somewhat unfavorable
- Somewhat favorable
- Very favorable
- Don't know enough about it
5pt Scale - Emojis?
- I hate it
- I don't like it
- I'm different
- I like it
- I love it
3pt Scale- Not enough
- About the right amount
- Too much
4pt Scale
- Not convincing at all
- Not too convincing
- Somewhat convincing
- Very convincing
5pt Scale
- Not well
- So-so
- Average
- Pretty well
- Very well
5pt Scale
- TerribleThe worst
- Bad
- Acceptable
- Good
- FantasticThe best
5pt Scale
- Extremely poor
- Poor
- Average
- Good
- Extremely good
5pt Scale
- AwfulTerrible
- Poor
- AverageFair
- Good
- GreatExcellent
6pt Scale
- Extremely poor
- Poor
- AverageFair
- Good
- Very goodExcellent
- Exceptional
3pt Scale- Less reliable today
- About the same
- More reliable today
4pt Scale
- Not reliable at all
- Not too reliable
- Somewhat reliable
- Very reliable
5pt Scale
- Does not describe at all
- Does not describe very well
- Describes adequatelywell, somewhat, sufficiently
- Describes very well
- Describes exactly
Early Adoption
3pt Scale- I would never adopt it
- I may or may not adopt it
- I would definitely adopt it
4pt Scale
- I'm usually one of the last people to buy a new technology or device
- I usually wait to buy until many people I know have tried it
- I usually wait to buy until a few people I know have tried it
- I usually buy a new technology or device before anyone else I know
5pt Scale
- I'm usually one of the last people to buy
- I prefer to wait until the price drops
- I usually wait and see how well they work before buying
- I'm not always the first, but I tend to buy before most others
- I'm always the first to buy
3pt Scale- MostAllbrands are about the same
- Some are slightly better than others
- Some brands are a lot better than others
5pt Scale
- Much worse
- Somewhat worse
- As expected
- Somewhat better
- Much better
5pt Scale
- A lot less attractive
- A little less attractive
- No more or less attractive
- A little more attractive
- A lot more attractive
4pt Scale
- I stronglydefinitelyprefer...
- I slightlysomewhatprefer...
- I slightlysomewhatprefer...
- I stronglydefinitelyprefer...
- Either is fine
3pt Scale - emojis?- Not interested.
- Curious.
- Very interested!
3pt Scale
- This is not something I care about. This might be something Iām interested in
- I could really use something like this
5pt Scale
- Not at all interested
- Not very interested
- Maybe / maybe not
- Very interested
- Extremely interested
5pt Scale
- Hard pass
- Not so much
- Hmm... I'm not sureMeh
- You have my attention
- Take my money please
Consideration / Purchase
2pt Scale- I might change my mind
- I'm certain [about my choice]
3pt Scale
- Unlikely
- Possibly
- Likely
3pt Scale
- I would never consider / purchase this
- I may or may not consider / purchase this
- I would definitely consider / purchase this
5pt Scale
- No, definitely not
- No, probably not
- Maybe (50-50)
- Yes, probably
- Yes, definitely,
5pt Scale
- Extremely unlikely
- Very unlikely
- Somewhat likely
- Very likely
- Extremely likely
6pt Scale
- Not at all likely
- Not too likely
- Maybe / maybe not
- Very likely
- Almost certainly
7pt Scale
- Extremely unlikely
- Very unlikely
- Unlikely
- Maybe / maybe not
- Likely
- Very likely
- Extremely likely
What if...
5pt Scale- Much less likely
- A little less likely
- No more or less likely
- A little more likely
- A lot more likely
5pt Scale
- Much less likely
- Somewhat less likely
- Makes no difference
- Somewhat more likely
- Much more likely
Paired Choice
4pt Scale- I stronglydefinitelyprefer...
- I slightlysomewhatprefer...
- I slightlysomewhatprefer...
- I stronglydefinitelyprefer...
- Either is fine